The father of public domain software, Fred Fish, died. During the years he produced more than 900 disks with free software to use and copy.

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In this massive interview we talk to Alfred Faust, the man behind BarsnPipes about this popular Amiga sequencer and his plans for the future.
On the 11.11. 2006 some weird creatures from Musikfladen invited to a small gig in the little bar of a technical college in northern Germany.
Selectanovel asked some musicians how they produce their tunes on the Amiga. Do they also use any PC hardware for their hobby?
Elapse of Moods Plateau brings you the second netlabel corner for the diskmag Jurassic Pack. So who's hot and who is not? We will hear it!
The idea behind the documentation 8 bit philosophy is to set focus on those people who have done the original c64 and Amiga songs.
The producer Timbaland took a song from a c64 musician and rearranged it for Nelly Furtado. Then came a big flamewar because of the copyright.
The troublesome disc. All characters, groups, releases and places are pure fiction.Nothing is based on a true story.
It has been a yellowish flame on different places lately about what is a good picture for the scene. What is a good picture?
IRC? What is the Scene? Well, this question is hard to answer but surely the area described in this article should normally not be part of it.
And again you have reached the bitter end of a sweet issue of Jurassic Pack - The lost (and found) diskmag (on Amiga).
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Die neuen Updates von WhatsApp sollen die Privatsphäre besser schützen und den Datenschutz verbessern: Wir werfen einen Blick darauf.
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Ende Gelände bei YouTube. Der Drachenlord hat sich nicht an die Vorgaben des Portals gehalten, weswegen seit gestern alles von ihm weg ist.