Game.machinesthe encyclopedia of game.machinesconsoles, handhelds & home computers 1972 - 2005. A book review by Selectanovel.

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A review of the book Geek Chic written by Neil Feineman. How the nerds became geeks and finally got their revenge and the girl. Interested?
There will be no Trip to Breakpoint - The Game for Amiga players. At least not before a PC version is done. I'm sorry.
Microsoft blockiert den Download von Windows-ISOs in dem beliebten Open Source-Tool "Rufus". Der Entwickler bittet nun die Community um Hilfe
Late Monday evening. We are sitting in our hotel room talking about the last four days of Breakpoint partying. Here's our party report.
Two years have passed since the last episode of Cows n Snakefights (CnS), one of the lesser known diskmags for amiga aga machines.
Rumrunner talks about his struggle getting Eurochart to work under Linux and reflects on multiplatform productions in general.
Oxyron, a group active on both Amiga and C64 since 15 years. "Time," the old farts state on their party site, "to make an own party at last."
How long does it take to get from Hamburg to Cologne? Four hours? I have attended Evoke often but I never managed to arrive early enough.
Demospotting? Which productions came out for the Amiga in the year 2005? We have a closer look if they're worth to download them.
Believable Statistics? The PPC discussion continued. There's been a spicy article against the Breakpoint orgas in JP#14. And now it goes on.
Italy is famous for Berlusconi, Spaghetti and Pizza, rather less for scene talents. We're having a closer look at active people and groups.
Lame... but still number 5! The story behind "I Has A Demomaker" by Salami Tactics. From the idea until the finished demo.
In late 2006 the second edition of the Mindcandy DVD series with old and new captured Amiga demos was released.
Andromeda in focus. Lars aka Ghandy talked to the members of the legendary Amiga group about their comeback, the old times and the future.
May 2007: The borough of Amiga fans got one more reason to brood. does advertise for the introduction of new hardware. But which?
This report is about the import of an Amiga CD32 game console from China. The original from Commodore appeared many years earlier.
From 30.09. to 10.08. 2006 the "Classic Computing", an event for the preservation of old computer hardware, took place in Lingen, Germany.
Dünn 2 is a German animated movie by the group Whiskey Ink, which was almost completely done by the help of Amiga computers.
Using a Compact Flash Card as IDE HD. Amiga-pimper Zener of Ozone continues pimping an Amiga by using compact flash adapters as an IDE HD.
Explanation: Minimig (short for Mini Amiga) is an open source re-implementation of an Amiga 500 using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA).