
Trip to Evoke 2006

How long does it take to get from Hamburg to Cologne? Four hours? I have attended Evoke often but I never managed to arrive early enough.


DemoSpotting 2005

Demospotting? Which productions came out for the Amiga in the year 2005? We have a closer look if they're worth to download them.


New Amiga CD32 from China

This report is about the import of an Amiga CD32 game console from China. The original from Commodore appeared many years earlier.


Neues CD32 aus China

Dieser Bericht handelt vom Import einer Amiga CD32 Spielekonsole aus China. Das Original von Commodore erschien viele Jahre zuvor.

Classic Computing

Classic Computing 2006

From 30.09. to 10.08. 2006 the "Classic Computing", an event for the preservation of old computer hardware, took place in Lingen, Germany.

Fred Fish, Jason Compton, Dave Haynie

Fred Fish died

The father of public domain software, Fred Fish, died. During the years he produced more than 900 disks with free software to use and copy.


Micromusic: Musikfladen

On the 11.11. 2006 some weird creatures from Musikfladen invited to a small gig in the little bar of a technical college in northern Germany.

Amiga 3000


Selectanovel asked some musicians how they produce their tunes on the Amiga. Do they also use any PC hardware for their hobby?


JPs Netlabel corner #2

Elapse of Moods Plateau brings you the second netlabel corner for the diskmag Jurassic Pack. So who's hot and who is not? We will hear it!

the 8 bit philosophy

The 8 bit philosophy

The idea behind the documentation 8 bit philosophy is to set focus on those people who have done the original c64 and Amiga songs.