Credits. The team behind Jurassic Pack issue 19.

Lars Sobiraj
Lars Sobiraj fing im Jahr 2000 an, als Quereinsteiger für verschiedene Computerzeitschriften tätig zu sein. 2006 kamen neben noch zahlreiche andere Online-Magazine dazu. Er ist der Gründer von Früher brachte Ghandy, wie er sich in der Szene nennt, an verschiedenen Hochschulen und Fortbildungseinrichtungen den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern bei, wie das Internet funktioniert. In seiner Freizeit geht er am liebsten mit seinem Hund spazieren.

Deadline 2021 Party Report. One weekend in early october, Berlin was the place to be at one of the few real life demo parties in 2021.
Norby went to Lichen and Gdansk to report from the polish summer parties "Lost Party" and "Silly Venture 2020+1".
The Party - from the beginning to the end of the Scene. Ghandy interviews SauberSound, organiser of the legendary The Party series in Denmark.
Sane listened to the new Cheesy Listening musicdisk and asked what it has to do with cheddar cheese and the resurrection of Alcatraz.
Another Interview with Virgill? Well, this time by Ghandy, who wants to know more about the rise of Virgills new sound tool AmigaKlang.
"Does something like this work on the A500?" - Yes! Tiny Bobble, Tiny Galaga, Tiny Invaders & Tinyus. Ghandy had a chat with Bartman of Abyss.
The team behind FirST Love on Atari ST. An Amiga mag featuring Atari-Releases? Ghandy dares to celebrate 35 years of that other 68k computer..
Proper Amiga Productions Release Management. The different distribution channels to reach various audiences. Written by Magic.
From a nerd meeting at Karstadt to winner demo. Sim of Razor 1911 tells the whole story behind the group's classic Amiga masterpiece Voyage.
Lord Helmet invites you to have a look at his ancient record collection and shares his top list of his favourite old school Amiga tunes.
Tales from South Jutland written by Zarch of Triflex and Addonic. It’s been decades since I’ve written an article for a diskmag.
The German programmer Mr. Pet is wellknown for creating the musicdisc Turmoil and for coding parts of well known demos such as World of ...
Galahad from the South West of England used to be at Fairlight. Phill has been cracking copy protection on games in his spare time for over 30 years.
At Revision 2021 the demo Last Goat Standing from Noice ranked 3rd place. We spoke with Gnilk, one of the few members from outside of Sweden.
Why Diskmags have totally gone out of fashion? Where have all the diskmags gone? JP-Main editor Ghandy tries to explain the reasons for the ...
There were good reasons why groups were needed in the past - and in the opinion of Sane, this is no longer the case.
Name-calling! That's what Ghandy is going to do in his outright personal top list of the most arrogant (yet likable in real life) editors he ever met.
Have you ever thought about why Sceners spend so much time, so many hours, on their hobby: the Scene? Written by Sane / Monk.
In the last half of the 1990's, let's say from 1997 and on, way until the first years of the first decade of the new millennium, the Amiga Scene was ravaged by the upgrading madness.
Sofa Sceners - scening from home. Magic of Nah Kolor brakes a lance for the silent majority.