The ZeroNet Interview. We wanted to know from Tamas Kocsis, the founder, why it doesn't protect the privacy of its users by default.
ZeroNet is a safe harbour for the Internet where the rules are written by the people! Hello Tamas! Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers? Tamas Kocsis: Hi, I’m Tamas, 34 years old, based in Budapest, Hungary and in love with the Internet since the dial-up era. Beside programming I enjoying any activity that has a meaningful end result. In the past years I have used wood/concrete/paper and other materials to design and produce my own furnitures and various objects. You are living in Budapest, one of the European towns with the most ATMs that are accepting Bitcoin, if I’m informed correctly. What is your relation ship to the Bitcoin as you have chosen it as the basis of ZeroNet? Tamas Kocsis: First I heard about Bitcoin in 2013. I really liked the idea of the decentralization and getting rid of as many middle-men as possible. I also found a great community around it and I wanted to be a useful part of this group. So being a constructive member in the Bitcoin / decentralized community was part of my motivation to start developing ZeroNet at end of 2014. Nowadays there are far more advanced cryptocurrencies with far quicker transfers, lower costs and so on. Why did you chose the BTC? Or is the BTC the only valid cryptocurrency for you? Tamas Kocsis: I think Bitcoin will remain the most trusted cryptocurrency in the near future. When I started the development there was no other major cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. The Bitcoin network does not plays any role in ZeroNet. We only using the underlying cryptography, so the Bitcoin transaction speeds or features does not matter for us.ZeroNet: „The best way to contribute to the project is creating content and sites.“ How many people are developing ZeroNet? Is that your hobby? Can you ensure your income with it? Tamas Kocsis: Right now more than 90% of the changes comes from me. Two years ago a German company started to supporting me and since then I’m spending most of my free time with the development.Just installed @HelloZeroNet. I have to say, it’s a really impressive #decentralised website platform! Very modern looks, and some good content too.
— Michel de Joode (@mdejoode) 18. März 2018
The network itself isn’t anonymous. You need to use other solutions to hide your identity. Speaking of the protection against possible violations against the penal or civil law: Is there a non-profit association as responsible body? Or how do you protect yourself against legal threats? Tamas Kocsis: There is no official company behind ZeroNet, it’s just an open source application that anyone modify. As far as I know right now it’s not against the law developing a system like this. It’s also worth mentioning that by itself the network is not anonymous, but you need to use other solutions to hide your IP address/location. (eg. Tor)
The Play Site is a problem
Tamas Kocsis: Tor speeds are pretty good here, in the EU, but in other parts of the world the situation is not so good. In many country it’s completely blocked. I think its best to let the users decide if they want to hide they IP address or not.

ZeroNet is still in early stages. Okay, and how quick are the downloads? Tamas Kocsis: The speed of the download only determined by the upload speed of the users who are currently serving the required files. Kopy Kate also looks promising. It looks like Youtube for documentaries without any censorship. Do you have more informations about it? How comes, the streaming is in this case quick enough for ZeroNet? Or is it for real YouTube from the clearnet? I’m confused. Tamas Kocsis: ZeroNet is still in early stages. We still need much more users to build a reliable, fast and decentralized video sharing platform. Is anything indexed of your content by the search engine of Google? If not, is that an advantage or disadvantage? Tamas Kocsis: The Google indexing bots can’t connect to ZeroNet, but there are open proxies that allows anyone to browse the network without downloading anything. By using this proxies it can be possible that Google indexes ZeroNet sites and it did happened in the past.ZeroNet: „Torrent sites are in the gray area“ Surprisingly „Play“ is one of the highlights when you’re using a search engine like Google and investigate about ZeroNet. What are your feelings about that connection? Tamas Kocsis: I think Torrent sites are in the gray area: they are morally accepted by the people, it’s not clearly decided yet if it’s against the law or not, but of course the copyright holders want to shut them down. I cannot condemn torrent sites as I see no evidence that file sharing applications „killing“ the movie industry: the cinema revenues has grown tenfold since torrenting became popular, and streaming platforms like Netflix also seen similar increase in paid user number.
A place where the rules are written by the people So it’s really not possible to rub out a blog or website using your network with a real heavy DOS or DDoS attack? Tamas Kocsis: It could be possible to attack the peers currently hosting it, but I think it does not worth it as most of the users would not even notice it. The currently serving and previously downloaded sites can be accessed even without internet connection as it is accessed directly from your computer. You advise to use this survey ), where the sites are ordered by the peer number. By the way: Do you plan to develop a sort of search engine for ZeroNet? Tamas Kocsis: I think it’s a great way to discover the most popular sites, but it requires some alertness what site you actually visiting. A search engine would be nice, but it’s pretty hard to do as it would require to store huge amount of data.„I cannot condemn torrent sites as I see no evidence that file sharing applications are ‚killing‘ the movie industry…“

„Spamming is a hard problem and it’s especially hard in decentralized, anonymous systems.„ Using the ZeroTalk German, I only had to register by using the ZeroID. How safe is that? Doesn’t it make it easy to use fake accounts in order to troll around, spreading fakes and so on?
CP is not a major problem at ZeroNet
Tamas Kocsis: Of course I’m not happy to see problematic contents like this, but it’s already pretty easy to reach this content on Tor/I2P/Freenet, so I think ZeroNet will not have any major impact on that.
„Edward Snowden helped to realize, that the governments are not always playing by the rules…“ Was Edward Snowden able to change anything with the documents he gave to the journalists? Tamas Kocsis: I think it helped many people to realize that the government is not always playing by the rules, but most of the people still did not care and because of that it did not had any major effect on government surveillance.(*) Alle mit einem Stern gekennzeichneten Links sind Affiliate-Links. Wenn Du über diese Links Produkte oder Abonnements kaufst, erhält eine kleine Provision. Dir entstehen keine zusätzlichen Kosten. Wenn Du die Redaktion anderweitig finanziell unterstützen möchtest, schau doch mal auf unserer Spendenseite oder in unserem Online-Shop vorbei.