Okeanos is a famous french musician inside the Amiga scene. He's also been coding on the PC. We spoke with him about past, present & future.

Aktuelle Artikel von Tarnkappe.info
This was crazy: The swedish Amiga crew iNSANE did release one intro each four weeks. We're asked their members at what cost.
Another Revision 2016 demoparty report - a late but long one by Curt Cool of Depth. So what happened for real at easter 2016 ?!?
Changes to a Collector's Mind, confessions of a former wannabe hoarder. An autobiographical article written by Curt Cool/Depth & Nah-Kolor.
Amiga-IN Berlin. On the last Saturday of every month, a group of about 15 to 30 Amiga enthusiasts gather in a club north-east of Berlin.
The association Digitale Kultur e.V. was able to ensure that the demoscene in Germany was nominated as a UNESCO cultural heritage.
Wanna learn assembler? Novel was so blown by RamJam's "Corso di Assembler", so he discovered a few more opportunities that 2021 has to offer.
With the Vivid Tracker you can have the Soundtracker feeling from the Amiga expecially on an iPad. Latest version is v2.9.4 from March 2021.
The anaglyph 3D process has been used in the demo scene for around 30 years. But trust me, the technology behind it is truly ancient.
Reboot was the best diskmag, but it never got released. Sane explains how it came and how everything failed at the dirty end.
Does the internet make the things inside the Scene easier or not? Does it support or kill everything? Sane of Monk tries to find the answer.
Facebook (FB) is unquestionably the most used Internet worldwide. Or at least the social network, which is used most frequently everywhere.
Oldskool is the only school. Both in the real-world and in the Amiga Scene, there are a few certainties; things you can be sure of. Or not?!?
The Scene is just a spectator sport and it has always been a spectator sport. I explain why.
A short story for Jurassic Pack 18 by Sane. It explains why Magic hasn't been seen anywhere for quite a while. So what happened with him?
You have reached the end of Jurassic Pack #18. Time for some last words by a former Main-Ed Novel of Moods Plateau.
Linux-VMs unter VMware ESXi verlieren durch einen Fix gegen Retbleed im aktuellen Linux-Kernel bis zu 70 Prozent an Rechenleistung.
Aktuell warnt das Polizeipräsidium Reutlingen vor einer neuen Bitcoin-Betrugsmasche. Dem Schwindel zum Opfer fiel ein 60-jähriger Anleger.
Forscher haben ein Gerät namens TickTock entwickelt, mit dem sich überprüfen lässt, ob ein Notebook-Mikrofon heimlich lauscht.
Ein 58-jähriger Mann wurde vom Amtsgericht Frederiksberg wegen illegalem Filesharing zu einer Bewährungsstrafe von 30 Tagen verurteilt.
Eugene Zarashaw, ein Facebook-Mitarbeiter, erklärt vor Gericht: "wo genau personenbezogene Daten gespeichert werden, weiß bei Meta niemand".