Is the demoscene a question of the age? Hardware is more powerful nowadays, but that didn't help to make the situation better.
Hey you old grumpy sceners!If you belong to these people who glorify the past, then continue to read. This short article is for you.
Peter Baustaedter determined the look of popular cinema films such as Avatar, Jumper, The Fifth Element etc. It all started with an Amiga.
In the second part, Peter Baustaedter explains why it made sense to rethink his own character & behaviour before his career really took off.
We spoke to graphic designer Danny Geurtsen. He went from the Amiga scene to Hollywood and the games industry as a graphic designer.
The Norwegian musician Maze has released countless tracks since 1992 and has also been involved in numerous demoscene productions.
The documentary "Stamps Back" shows Hungary at the end of the 80s, when the Iron Curtain prevented anything modern from coming from the West.
For many Amiga users the Odyssey demo by the Swiss group Alcatraz is still one of the most creative and best creations ever.
We asked Peter Hajba aka Skaven from Futurecrew how the popular MS-DOS demo "Second Reality" was created 30 years ago.
Golden memories part 1: The moment when the Amiga demo "Nexus 7" by Andromeda was shown on the big screen at The Party 1994.
This time we speak about how the demo Switchback from Rebels was shown for the first time ever. It all happened a Doom's Day Party 1994.
The fourth mp3 mix by Versus dedicated to Amiga musicians and all track-lovers has been recently released.
And so they galloped terribly against each other's bodies. A sort of party report from TRSAC written by Selectanovel of Moods Plateau.
You hopefully remember, the closing image of Critikill from Jurassic Pack 19 consisting of a dinosaur fleeing from an approaching meteor.
In einem aktuellen Urteil gewinnt Bungie gegen AimJunkies. Der Cheat-Händler muss Schadenersatz für Urheberrechtsverletzungen zahlen.
Mit der Zusage einer Begnadigung für den Silk-Road-Betreiber Ross Ulbricht profiliert sich Donald Trump im Wahlkampf bei libertären Wählern.
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