WLAN, wifi

Wifi with A1200

Wifi with an A1200? Ever wondered how to go online wirelessly with your Amiga? If so, this Step by Step-Tutorial might be of use for you.

desert racing of bardos

Review: Desert Racing of Bardos

Get Desert Racing of Bardos and experience an exciting arcade racing game without getting envious to the PC world, they write. Is that true?

amiga, remix

Remix Workshop for Amiga users

Selectanovel with a tutorial how to remix classical tunes from the c64 and Amiga. Choose your weapon: Remake, Rearrangement & Remix !

hively tracker

Hively Tracker

A new AHX-based tracker is in the pipe. It's called "Hively Tracker" and is coded by XERON/IRIS. We have asked him some questions.


Netlabel Corner

The netlabel corner. Hearing music is like silence - it is inspiration, supports creativity and sometimes it's just harrying.

jahtari, artists

Jahtari.org Introduction

Jahtari.org. This article was originally written in German by Moritz Sauer and is also available there at phlow.net.

retro games 80s

Retrogamer Magazine

Do you remember the old days when you spent fortunes in the latest issues of the UK Amiga press? They, the Retrogamer Magazine are back!

workbench, jp#19

Mission fast release

Erik aka Browallia explains how the mission fast release took place. You can trust me, it was really an interesting but short night for us!

jp#14, feedback

JP#14 – Feedback!

We have collected the feedback for issue 14 of Jurassic Pack. We've got some e-mails & looked around in the internet for a few more reviews.


Diskmag.de NewsTicker

Rumble in the miggy jungle - the diskmag.de newsticker. Our thanks go to Dipswitch of Up Rough for his informations.


Are we Addicted?

Darkus of Deviance asks if we're all addicted because we're active in the scene since such a long time. And many of them without a break.