The sharehoster is not asking for payment for anything. The admin pays all on his own. But for how long can this experiment work?

Beiträge zum Thema English
English – our translations of german interviews and articles. Forgive us if the translation is not perfect. We try our best, but English is not our mother language.
The scathing verdict on Telegram by heise still causes indignation. We explain why WhatsApp is worse. A critical guest post from shrugg1e.
The Swedish VPN provider OVPN takes a different approach than most of its competitors. They rely on transparency instead of obfuscation.
For an exclusive interview we have the makers of DDoSecrets on the pipe. You can submit your questions within the next 14 days. in an interview at This search engine always presents itself as a data-saving alternative. Is that still true?
The Spamhaus Project: helpful, supportive or much too powerful? The VPN provider nVpn criticizes the company for its omnipotent approach.
Yesterday we spoke with Esma from Attackers use a booter to gain a competitive advantage or simply to annoy somebody.
We spoke with Thomas, the founder and CEO of He told us a lot about glowing lines, filesharing and the future of the internet.
microG helps to set up a smartphone without Google. Here is our interview with Marvin Wißfeld the developer of the Google Alternative.
Interview: Vincent Canfield's opinion about and about the CCC. Vincent answers many interesting questions in this interview.
What exactly is microG? How does it work and why was it created? Android without Google - an interview with the developer.
Nebulo - DNS over HTTPS/TLS is a useful Android app to make the internet a little bit safer for us. We spoke with the developer Daniel Wolf.
The Aurora App Store is a good example of how you can work with your Android mobile without Google. We spoke with Rahul Patel, the developer.
Are only the pirates responsible for the misery? Or is the problem with the copyright homemade? We asked an insider to evaluate it.
Interview with the ASCII artist Michael Hischer, better known as sk!n/DeZign. He caused a sensation in the early '90s. He was active on Amiga.
We had a chat with the operator of the stresser site, who calls himself John. It's all about money, envy or competition!??
The ZeroNet Interview. We wanted to know from Tamas Kocsis, the founder, why it doesn't protect the privacy of its users by default.
The admins of The Eye think, that most file sharing sites suck big time. Their rom directory is a heaven for retro fans with loads of stuff.
Interview with Las Zenow, the founder and maintainer of the illegal darknet website Imperial Library of Trantor. They have masses of ebooks.
sCRiPTz-TEAM released up to 20.000 nulled scripts. We spoke with the founder about piracy, their pay ftp site and how's the scene looking like in 10 years.
We talked with Alexandra Elbakyan from Sci-Hub about open access, the future of copyright & the money policy of Elsevier etc.