After reading the article from Binger & Kam_ about polish diskmags in the latest EC, we spontaneously decided to write a reply to them.

Beiträge zum Thema English
English – our translations of german interviews and articles. Forgive us if the translation is not perfect. We try our best, but English is not our mother language.
The forum (bbs) of pouet is full of trolls. Pouet could be such a useful online tool for the demoscene, but it's all destroyed a few trolls.
In the recent dentro "Espen loves BZH" Slummy of Spaceballs greets everybody who is not a diskmag editor. Of course we had to comment this.
Here`s a short tutorial for those people that would like to call a telnet bbs and never worked with Amiexpress (/X) or Fame before.
Concerning the compo rules of Breakpoint 2006, that they do not allow any Amiga PPC productions. Competition machine is a A4000 with 68060.
SelectANovel lived in Denmark and failed to meet any danish sceners until he was invited to travel with others to TRSAC demo party in 2005.
Ghandy explains why there will never be a pure Amiga demo or intro competition at the Evoke party. They are stuck in the wild competition.
The french Amiga group around Clary produced from 1989 until the interview 42 productions. We had a long chat with various Drifters members.
Hi everybody! So, it seems like I am taking over the CODERS CORNER in Jurassic Pack. kas1e will explain you what it is all about.
Dalton of Elcrew wrote for you a simple but practical guide for people being interested into democoding on the Commodore Amiga.
Kas1e introduces us into the coding of the warp3d technology. If you want deep details about the coding, please read the intuition autodocs.
kas1e talks in his article about demo coding being compatible to classical and modern Amiga models. He asks us to unite the Amiga scene.
After the introduction of 68060 boards, the Amiga world was integrating ppc cpu's to our machines. But the implementation isn't easy.
Kas1e explains in this issue of Jurassic Pack what happens in detail when an Amiga computer executes its startup sequence.
The real end word. Browallia and I drank coffee and whiskey and tried one night & day to beat EC. But they were quicker. So we lost the game.
Another end word. After Browallia learnt that Eurocharts was out, we spent a night to remember in order to be quicker than Darkhawk & Co.
On Tuesday, a huge database of around 195,000 users of crypto trading exchange CoinPayEx surfaced on Zer0day Lab's Telegram channel.
Bitdefender security researcher Bogdan Botezatu on government malware, surveillance and a second firewall alongside Windows Defender.
We took a close look at iodéOS, which is based on LineageOS. Can the privacy friendly operating system fulfill its promises? Read our test!
We spoke with Peer Heinlein of the crypto email service But there is much more at stake. They're expanding their business model.
BlazingFast is often used by the scene because it protects the company's own website from DDoS attacks. Co-founder Paul Waldmann has his say.