Beiträge zum Thema English

English – our translations of german interviews and articles. Forgive us if the translation is not perfect. We try our best, but English is not our mother language.

hively tracker

Hively Tracker

A new AHX-based tracker is in the pipe. It's called "Hively Tracker" and is coded by XERON/IRIS. We have asked him some questions.

jp#14, feedback

We have collected the feedback for issue 14 of Jurassic Pack. We've got some e-mails & looked around in the internet for a few more reviews.


Darkus of Deviance asks if we're all addicted because we're active in the scene since such a long time. And many of them without a break.

jurassic pack, wondering jurassican, jp#14

JP#14 Review

Browallia wrote a long review of Jurassic Pack 14. So what did he like or dislike in JP#14? So here is his summary.