This is a making of Vigil Coma, a wilddemo, means no coder stuff is in here, but I think it's intresting for scene groups though.

Beiträge zum Thema English
English – our translations of german interviews and articles. Forgive us if the translation is not perfect. We try our best, but English is not our mother language.
Interview with Axel of Brainstorm, the maineditor of the diskmag and podcast ZINE. The family father is active again after a huge break.
Selecta Novel talked with Monroe/SCEEN about the future of the most wanted SCEEN#2, the relevance of diskmags and target groups!
Codex Alpe Adria 2006 party report in Italy. What is it about? Retro computing? Or is that a real demo party?
Selectanovel with a tutorial how to remix classical tunes from the c64 and Amiga. Choose your weapon: Remake, Rearrangement & Remix !
A new AHX-based tracker is in the pipe. It's called "Hively Tracker" and is coded by XERON/IRIS. We have asked him some questions.
Since the days of the Amiga, developement for a system has never been this easy again. We have a look at the handheld game console GP2x.
What is the use in driving 550km or more to a party where nerds hang around and talk about music-packing algorithms? Are you really asking?
JP#17 Preview. By Selecta Novel.
JP time again - the editorial of Jurassic Pack issue 15. We were a bit angry, because the articles of Kaosmaster were given to us, too.
Erik aka Browallia explains how the mission fast release took place. You can trust me, it was really an interesting but short night for us!
We have collected the feedback for issue 14 of Jurassic Pack. We've got some e-mails & looked around in the internet for a few more reviews.
Rumble in the miggy jungle - the newsticker. Our thanks go to Dipswitch of Up Rough for his informations.
Darkus of Deviance asks if we're all addicted because we're active in the scene since such a long time. And many of them without a break.
The last issue of the official Eurochart ever, issue EC#48 is out in the wild. Browallia had a closer look at it. Here's our review.
There was an Eurochart-snakefight between a swedish cow named Browallia/Nukleus and a danish snake by the nick of Darkhawk of IRIS.
Regional Scene Meetings are a good tradition to keep in touch and to motivate each others. d!RT!E, Dalezy and Weasel explain how to do it.
Browallia wrote a long review of Jurassic Pack 14. So what did he like or dislike in JP#14? So here is his summary.
No doubt, writers are dedicated. But for how long? How many issues of Eurochart, Saxonia, Jurassic Pack & Co. will come out in the future?
The more fights inside the scene, the more active people are creating new intros and demos? Novel presents a theory to explain it all.
A long review of the book Freax done by Tamas Polgars aka Tomcat of MAWI. It's sold in Germany by the CSW-Verlag at the price of 28,70 Euro.