Meredith Whittaker is looking for new strategies as the new CEO. She doesn't want to earn a cent by selling user data to any companies.

Beiträge zum Thema English
English – our translations of german interviews and articles. Forgive us if the translation is not perfect. We try our best, but English is not our mother language.
We are still alive! The dinosaur among the diskmags is back after more than 12 years! Our editorial and all credits for this issue.
We know exactly where you spent your Easter holiday 2020. We try to sum up what happened when everybody else was searching for chocolate.
Demoparties in times of Corona have a huge problem. If they're not held online, they were mostly forbidden in 2020. So what to do now?
More than 30 years ago, Tristar and Red Sector became TRSI. This group dominated the market for cracks on the Amiga and C64 for a long time.
With the Amiga demo Chillobits the C64 group Offence surprisingly won the Revision competition in 2020. Here are all details how they did it.
Norbert Konieczny aka Norby of TRSI and later Nah Kolor, can already look back on an entertaining life with many different stations.
The Dutch pixel artist Martijn van Meel aka Facet already contributed his first graphics to productions in the late 80s. We spoke with him.
Yop - the rather introverted 45-year-old person from the Ruhr area, however, has already caused a lot of furor with his ASCII-Art in the 90s.
The demo The Cure from Retream has won the Solkogen party. But with this production really everything is different. We let Saimo explain why.
Nero is a german graphician with a long history. He's active on various computer plattforms. He has a huge problem with any online partys.
Okeanos is a famous french musician inside the Amiga scene. He's also been coding on the PC. We spoke with him about past, present & future.
This was crazy: The swedish Amiga crew iNSANE did release one intro each four weeks. We're asked their members at what cost.
Another Revision 2016 demoparty report - a late but long one by Curt Cool of Depth. So what happened for real at easter 2016 ?!?
Changes to a Collector's Mind, confessions of a former wannabe hoarder. An autobiographical article written by Curt Cool/Depth & Nah-Kolor.
Amiga-IN Berlin. On the last Saturday of every month, a group of about 15 to 30 Amiga enthusiasts gather in a club north-east of Berlin.
The association Digitale Kultur e.V. was able to ensure that the demoscene in Germany was nominated as a UNESCO cultural heritage.
Wanna learn assembler? Novel was so blown by RamJam's "Corso di Assembler", so he discovered a few more opportunities that 2021 has to offer.
With the Vivid Tracker you can have the Soundtracker feeling from the Amiga expecially on an iPad. Latest version is v2.9.4 from March 2021.
The anaglyph 3D process has been used in the demo scene for around 30 years. But trust me, the technology behind it is truly ancient.
Reboot was the best diskmag, but it never got released. Sane explains how it came and how everything failed at the dirty end.