Die neue Amiga 1000 Phoenix Story. Wie soll man eine Story niederschreiben, ohne dass der Leser nach dem ersten Satz gleich einschläft?
Aktuelle Artikel von Tarnkappe.info
Mr. Beanbag AGA review. Why jellybeans are healthy and why AMOS is actually cool can be learned from the following report and interview…
Mr. BeanBag is a Sonic the hedgehog clone that was originally coded for the A500 in AMOS by Amy Worthington (Tricky) back in the Amiga.
The last time I visited Celal Kandemiroglu was in 1991, when Marc (Rosocha) and me were about to order the creation of the Lethal Xcess cover.
Get Desert Racing of Bardos and experience an exciting arcade racing game without getting envious to the PC world, they write. Is that true?
Selectanovel with a tutorial how to remix classical tunes from the c64 and Amiga. Choose your weapon: Remake, Rearrangement & Remix !
Coma, the admin of Modland.com in the interview. Coma. Coma? Maybe his name might ring some bells in your ears.
A new AHX-based tracker is in the pipe. It's called "Hively Tracker" and is coded by XERON/IRIS. We have asked him some questions.
The netlabel corner. Hearing music is like silence - it is inspiration, supports creativity and sometimes it's just harrying.
Since the days of the Amiga, developement for a system has never been this easy again. We have a look at the handheld game console GP2x.
Do you remember the old days when you spent fortunes in the latest issues of the UK Amiga press? They, the Retrogamer Magazine are back!
What is the use in driving 550km or more to a party where nerds hang around and talk about music-packing algorithms? Are you really asking?
JP#17 Preview. By Selecta Novel.
Ein vermeintlicher Police Officer von Europol war mit einer Google Play-Masche erfolgreich. Per Anruf erleichterte er einen Bamberger um Geld.
JP time again - the editorial of Jurassic Pack issue 15. We were a bit angry, because the articles of Kaosmaster were given to us, too.
Erik aka Browallia explains how the mission fast release took place. You can trust me, it was really an interesting but short night for us!
We have collected the feedback for issue 14 of Jurassic Pack. We've got some e-mails & looked around in the internet for a few more reviews.
Rumble in the miggy jungle - the diskmag.de newsticker. Our thanks go to Dipswitch of Up Rough for his informations.
Darkus of Deviance asks if we're all addicted because we're active in the scene since such a long time. And many of them without a break.
The last issue of the official Eurochart ever, issue EC#48 is out in the wild. Browallia had a closer look at it. Here's our review.
There was an Eurochart-snakefight between a swedish cow named Browallia/Nukleus and a danish snake by the nick of Darkhawk of IRIS.