Jurassic Pack is back. But who did what for issue 16 of JP? Text, graphics, text, panels and who did organize it?
JP issue 16 credits
Xeron of Iris
StingRay of Scarab & Scoopex

JP Maineditor
Selecta Novel of Gnumpf-Posse and Moodsplateau
Ghandy of MdS, [S], SCX^DEV
D!rt!e of Moodsplateau
Skan/Dream Merchants, aPex/A1k, Cyclone/X-Troll, Elapse/MdS. Zener/Ozone,

TitlePics of JP
D!rt!e of Moodsplateau, Frost of Tulou
„Skov“ by S.Schlock of Gnumpf-Posse
Nk-Tux of Moodsplateau
Psychreator of Moodsplateau
Reed of Fairlight
Curt Cool of Depth
That amiga-Guitar exists and belongs to Endererror
Translation of „Phoenix-Story“ by S.Schlock.

Bonusfolder: 10 Years Uphold The Law BBStro by Dodge/MdS, released at Evoke 2006
Nfo & file_id.diz logo for JP by Kami.
Don’t forget:
Jurassic Pack is a result of the LEIPZIG (D!rt!e), BERLIN (StingRay), ERFURT (Dodge), DUESSELDORF (Ghandy) and HAMBURG (Selecta Novel) connection.
Copyright by mOODS pLATEAU and Scarab in 2006, all rights reserved!
Contributions and feedback concerning JP should be directed to Lsobiraj@protonmail.com, thx!