jurassic pack, editorial
jurassic pack, editorial

Jurassic Pack #19 – the end of an era?

Ghandy was missing some more support for JP#19 and wonders if there can ever be another issue of Jurassic Pack.

Jurassic Pack #19 – the end of an era?

by Ghandy

jurassic pack, bridgeclaw

Hello and welcome to a new issue of Jurassic Pack. Perhaps this is the last issue ever, although the end picture with the dino tells everybody a different story.

Why the end? Well, that’s actually quite quickly told. We have spent more time chasing people and their promises in the last few weeks than getting creative ourselves. This involved two intros, several interviews, promised support in the form of articles and much more. I will not mention any names at this point. This editorial is not dealing with accusing anybody.

No answer is unfortunately also an answer!

Of course I understand if someone is simply otherwise occupied for a certain period of time. I also have two jobs, a family, a dog and friends I want to take care of. But if there is no response despite several requests, I have to assume that there is simply no interest.

No interest in the project and no interest in me. But I probably shouldn’t take the whole thing personally. They could have just let me know that the time just doesn’t fit at the moment. But of course it’s more convenient not to react at all. And you don’t waste any time if you don’t write any reply.

Anyway. It’s just a pity for the wasted time and it has a demotivating effect in the long run. Because with this feedback, it’s even harder to get yourself together and invest more time in the project.

Times have changed

jurassic pack, wondering jurassican

On top of that, the article writing trio consisting of Sane, Selectanovel and myself is falling apart more and more. Novel has kindly agreed to layout the Amiga issue. But his beloved contributions with the unusual topics are missing. That will probably not change any more in the future. Sane is also losing more and more touch with the scene, it seems. And this hobby just isn’t as much fun if you’re doing everything alone instead of working in a team.

Before we reactivated Jurassic Pack we knew there was a lack of competition because there are hardly any active diskmags left on the Amiga. In the past, this gave us the motivation to be even better or to react to the attacks of our opponents. But I didn’t reckon with the obviously increasing lacking interest of many people. To be honest, that did hit me by surprise.

And now? I think we’ll take a break for the time being. Our plan was to show the readers what has been happening in the Amiga scene lately. And of course to shed more light on things that happened in the past. And yes, I guess that we have succeeded reaching theses goals.

Jurassic Pack
Screenshot from Jurassic Pack #19 – clipart by Titus of Rabenauge, thx!

Do only dinos still read diskmags?

We also have to adjust to the fact that during the past 20 years the consumer behaviour has changed a lot. Nowadays, many people read the forum posts and look for new releases at Pouet, maybe listen to a podcast and that’s completely enough for them. Just because diskmags were important to us back in the 90s doesn’t mean they still are today. Do you really need them?

But what would be the alternative? A blog instead of a diskmag? Or just to participate in a forum like the bbs of Pouet? That might suit to other people, but not to me. Maybe I’m just an old dinosaur who simply hasn’t died out yet. Then the name of our project would at least fit to us perfectly.

What will happen next? No idea. I’ve always said I’ll do this hobby as long as I enjoy it. Let’s cross our fingers and see what the future brings…

titus, rabenauge
Clipart Titus/Rabenauge, thx!

Yours truthfully Lars aka Ghandy.

P.S.: Sorry, Curt Cool ! We were sadly not able to fix the problems with his pretracker tune, which is quite nice! Real Amigas and emulators always crashed even with his fixed version.

I’d also like to say how much I enjoyed it to work together you guys from JP team. I really hope in a year or so we can do that again. At the end we gathered much more support than it looked like for quite a long time. Thanks for your faith in this production and for all your help. This is really appreciated!

And hope to meet you at Revision next year or probably at Deadline or Evoke party. Please don’t expect me to take part in any online event. Sorry, that’s nothing for me.

Wer oder was ist Jurassic Pack überhaupt? Jurassic Pack – who or what is that? Hier in Deutsch und Englisch ein paar erklärende Worte.

Grab the music of Jurassic Pack issue 19

You can download the music „Sunny Soul“ from Josss of Software Failure from here. The tune from Okeanos of TEK „Coffee Jazz“ is available here. Virgills third tune „Curry King“ can be grabbed from here.

Lars Sobiraj


Lars Sobiraj fing im Jahr 2000 an, als Quereinsteiger für verschiedene Computerzeitschriften tätig zu sein. 2006 kamen neben gulli.com noch zahlreiche andere Online-Magazine dazu. Er ist der Gründer von Tarnkappe.info. Außerdem brachte Ghandy, wie er sich in der Szene nennt, seit 2014 an verschiedenen Hochschulen und Fortbildungseinrichtungen den Teilnehmern bei, wie das Internet funktioniert.