Beiträge zum Thema Demoszene

Die Demoszene entwickelte sich in den 1980er-Jahren während der Blütezeit der 8-Bit-Systeme. Es geht um den kreativen Umgang mit Computern.

jurassic pack, jp

JP issue 16 Credits

Jurassic Pack is back. But who did what for issue 16 of JP? Text, graphics, text, panels and who did organize it?

Vigil Coma

Making of „Vigil Coma“

This is a making of Vigil Coma, a wilddemo, means no coder stuff is in here, but I think it's intresting for scene groups though.


Interview with Monroe/SCEEN

Selecta Novel talked with Monroe/SCEEN about the future of the most wanted SCEEN#2, the relevance of diskmags and target groups!


The new Phoenix Story

The NEW Phoenix Storyby aPex/, translated by S.Schlock/gnp. It all happened after Phoenix Microtechnologies went bankrupt

Mr. Beanbag

Mr. Beanbag AGA review

Mr. Beanbag AGA review. Why jellybeans are healthy and why AMOS is actually cool can be learned from the following report and interview…

desert racing of bardos

Review: Desert Racing of Bardos

Get Desert Racing of Bardos and experience an exciting arcade racing game without getting envious to the PC world, they write. Is that true?

amiga, remix

Remix Workshop for Amiga users

Selectanovel with a tutorial how to remix classical tunes from the c64 and Amiga. Choose your weapon: Remake, Rearrangement & Remix !

hively tracker

Hively Tracker

A new AHX-based tracker is in the pipe. It's called "Hively Tracker" and is coded by XERON/IRIS. We have asked him some questions.


Netlabel Corner

The netlabel corner. Hearing music is like silence - it is inspiration, supports creativity and sometimes it's just harrying.