I2P Netzwerk seit Anfang Mai wieder unter Dauerbeschuss

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Der Angriff wird mit der neusten I2P Version 2.3.0 nicht mehr möglich sein.
Da diese neue I2P Version einen Fehler fixt, der den Angriff überhaupt erst ermöglicht hat.

This release contains fixes for CVE-2023-36325. CVE-2023-36325 is a context-confusion bug which occurred in the bloom filter. An attacker crafts an I2NP message containing a unique messageID, and sends that messageID to a client. The message, after passing through the bloom filter, is not allowed to be re-used in a second message. The attacker then sends the same message directly to the router. The router passes the message to the bloom filter, and is dropped. This leaks the information that the messageID has been seen before, giving the attacker a strong reason to believe that the router is hosting the client. This has been fixed by separting the bloom filter’s functionality into different contexts based on whether a message came down a client tunnel, an exploratory tunnel, was sent to the router directly. Under normal circumstances, this attack takes several days to perform successfully and may be confounded by several factors such as routers restarting during the attack phase and sensitivity to false-positives. Users of Java I2P are recommended to update immediately to avoid the attack.

Im Zuge der Behebung dieses Kontexts-Verwirrungsfehlers wurden einige Strategien überarbeitet, um defensiv zu kodieren, gegen diese Art von Lecks. Dazu gehören Optimierungen am netDb, die zinsbegrenzenden Mechanismen und das Verhalten von Flutfill-Routern.

DETAILS: I2P 2.3.0


  • netDb: Throttle bursts of netDB lookups
  • Sybil/Blocklist: Allow users to override blocklist expiration with an interval
  • DTG: Provide an API for extending DTG with a plugin
  • Addressbook: add notbob’s main addressbook to the default subscriptions.
  • Console: Add Ramble and notbob to console homepage

Bug Fixes

  • Fix replay attack: CVE-2023-36325
  • Implement handling of multihomed routers in the netDb
  • Fully copy new leaseSets when a leaseSet recievedAsPublished overwrites a leaseSet recievedAsReply
1 „Gefällt mir“

Ist das überhaupt sinnvoll, dass der Router die empfange ID erstmal an den Filter weiterleiten muss, bevor das System dann bemerken kann, dass die ID zweimal genutzt wurde?!
Müsste nicht, meines Erachtens, der Analyst (also der Bloom-Filter) VOR dem Router sitzen und quasi wie eine Firewall, die doppelte ID erst gar nicht mehr an den Router ranlassen…?
Vllt habsch da ja etwas misbegrepen… :wink:

Deine Frage scheint in der neuen I2P Version zum Teil oder bzw. auf eine andere Art gelöst worden zu sein.

Besonderheit der neuen I2P-Version 2.4.0, die gestern veröffentlicht wurde:

This release, I2P 2.4.0, continues our effort to improve the security and stability of the I2P network. It contains significant improvements to the Network Database, an essential structure within the I2P network used for disovering your peers. The congestion handling changes will improve network stability by giving routers the ability to relieve congested peers by avoiding them. This will help the network limit the effect of tunnel spam. It will also help the network heal during and after DDOS attacks. The NetDb changes also help secure individual routers and the applications that use them. Routers can now defend against attackers by separating the NetDB into multiple „Sub-DB’s“ which we use to prevent information leaks between applications and the router. This also improves the information available to Java routers about their NetDB activity and simplifies our support for multihoming applications. Also included are a number of bug-fixes and enhancements across the I2PSnark and SusiMail applications. Wir empfehlen wie immer, baldmöglichst auf die neue Routerversion zu aktualisieren. Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit und dem Netz ist am besten gedient, wenn Sie stets die neueste stabile Version von I2P verwenden.



Router: Restructure netDb to isolate data recieved as a client from data recieved as a router
Router: Implement handling and penalties for congestion caps
Router: Temp. ban routers publishing in the future
NetDB: Lookup handler/throttler fixes
i2psnark: Uncomment and fix local torrent file picker


i2ptunnel: Exempt tunnel name from XSS filter (Gitlab #467)
i2ptunnel: Fix gzip footer check in GunzipOutputStream (Gitlab #458)
SAM: Fix accept after soft restart (Gitlab #399)
SAM: Reset incoming socket if no subsession is matched (Gitlab #456)


1 „Gefällt mir“

THXX for Info! :wink: