Hitman Marketplace: Frau wegen Auftragsmord vor Gericht

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Das passiert wenn Leute absolut keine Ahnung vom deepweb haben…

Hoffe sie wird hart bestraft, verdammt hart, gerade solchen oberen mittelschichts clowns gönn ich es, wenn sie denken, sie können mit 30k ein Menschen auslöschen, weil die arme Schwester ihrem Mann das Kind entziehen möchte.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ja, da hat das FBI einen netten Honeypot aufgestellt damals. :wink:

Du hast es auf den Punkt gebracht.

Kannste dir nicht ausdenken … :rofl:

Tja, und nun wurde ich wirklich eines besseren Belehrt.
Ich hatte doch mal zur News eine Honeypots gefragt, ob wirklich noch leute darauf reinfallen, wenn Plattformen im Internet als Honeypot bekannt sind.

Gibt dann doch tatsächlich leute, die voreilig schlecht recherche betreiben und dann voll in den Honig Treten!

1 „Gefällt mir“

actually they -all- are honeypots or scams and as such she never gave any order to any hitman. :stuck_out_tongue: at most some guy is gonna go ‚gee thanks for your bitcoins‘ and run away with them :stuck_out_tongue: lol. as several, somewhat more capable intel agencies already proved -aaaages ago- and clearly the german bullshit courts still didn’t figure out. (probably because they’re too retarded to read osint in english :stuck_out_tongue: ‚guilty of trying to get herself scammed‘ nothing more than that hahaha. show me that one that is real. you have 5 minutes. heck i’ll give you a month to come up with a real one :stuck_out_tongue: LOL.

this brd ‚court‘ would be aware that a ‚court‘ has the obligation to order it’s own investigation if the staatsanwaltschaft is uttering nonsense again and -her- legal team is incompetent aren’t they? lolololololol. the woman ordered something on a honeypot. fine. but as they all are honeypots, there never was any ‚attempt to get anyone murdered‘ as anyone with an iq over the level of a cactusplant would know they all are honeypots or scams :stuck_out_tongue: lolololol. and yes there is quite a lot of that kinda trash out there. lol. there are however -zero- real ones haha.

this already should be clear from the fact that it’s way easier to just take the money and don’t deliver any service :stuck_out_tongue: than it is to take the same amount of money and deliver the service. why would you if you can just keep the money anyway :stuck_out_tongue: d0h. so yes. they are a fraud. (and at that not even within their juristiction) no they are not ‚attempted murder‘ :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. as for that to be the case, at least -1- of them would have to be real. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d say the cartel de sinaloa should file a case for trademark infringement on that CDS one doing the same thing hahahahahaha. (yes, there is a ‚crime‘ there. no it aint ‚attempted murder‘ :wink: lol.

ya know what… this sorta thing is what ‚art school‘ students/azubis come up with as a project. lol. and every grownup knows that stuff is all either a scam or fake as fuck or just some american feds :stuck_out_tongue: lol. just that some brd idiots seem to be too stupid to figure that bit out :stuck_out_tongue: lol. (besides… it is illegal to use evidence obtained that way. ‚provoking‘ her into certain actions by ‚offering her the possibility to‘ :wink: see in the usa the feddies can damn well go stand on the street corner and pretend to be prostitutes (ehm well in a way they are anyway :wink: or offer bags of weed and then arrest their customers. but in europe. that sorta thing is illegal :stuck_out_tongue: so where on earth did they get the idea it would be ‚ok‘ to use that as ‚evidence‘ :stuck_out_tongue:

but then again, as she ordered it from the fbi. and they actually DO target assasinations (ay, hillary, what happened to epstein again :wink: hmm. maybe it was a real hitmen site. just that she wasn’t hillary lololol.

pff. germans and drama over nothing. lol. can we like do a real war again… so all that pussy shit comes to an end.you know. give em some real actual problems to consider. instead of ‚oh noes the neighbor did some wronkthink on the intarwebs and shared some evil memes‘ as it all always seems rather laughable. also knowing the ‚other option‘ inside out… mass graves. villages getting burned down. that sorta thing. lol. so some woman tried to get her ex murdered or something, which ehm, would not have worked either way with that method. -who the hell cares-. :stuck_out_tongue: there are actual -real- things going on in the world ya know :stuck_out_tongue: (germany is such a ‚far far far away from reality fairytale zone‘. seriously. :stuck_out_tongue: the place is one big brainfuck :stuck_out_tongue: lol.

as for cops. they’re just too stupid to work for a real intel agency or army. plain and simple. that is where the problem is. :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. they’ve never been to the real world either. :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. (ok. except for the ones that -do- :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. those usually are ok and not such total asshats that lived in their moms basement all their lives. you can actually have an intelligent conversation with -those- :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. (as in, the ones, that do, also, have a badge for usually a rather high rank in the civilian police… lololololololol, but that is not their actual job :stuck_out_tongue: -those- :stuck_out_tongue: lol. (and if you would ever encounter any of those in germany. eh yeah they probably are american anyway :stuck_out_tongue: LOL.

what she did was 'wishing someone would be dead (not a crime :wink: aaaand ‚trying to get her own money robbed‘ as that is the only thing such sites do. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. and for the record. yes there is plenty scientific evidence on that. as guess what. it by far would not be the first investigation into that phenomenan :stuck_out_tongue: in fact half the dark web are honeypot mirrors. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. and anything from some universities to tno to amerifag feddies are in on the game. lol.

soooo here is what would happen if anyone would ever set up a real one:
some guy would swipe his creditcard, order an assasination on himself, he would be waiting with his bulletproof vest on and snipers would be on the roof to take the hitman out. 2 hours later: case closed :stuck_out_tongue: and that’s why none of em are ‚real‘. plus ofcourse that people want to get paid but they don’t want to do the job anyway :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. and they can. as there is no guarantee or refunds… even if they would pay by cc instead of by bitcoin or something. you’re not gonna call the visa gold card service and go ‚i would like to file a chargeback because mr. hitman over there didn’t take out my ex-wife‘ :stuck_out_tongue: LOL.

there are ofcourse a few people offering ‚alternative dispute resolution‘ and ‚military consulting‘ out there, on a freelance basis. :stuck_out_tongue: but those are not gonna pop your ex-wife for you. :stuck_out_tongue: maybe pull a coup or 2 or whatever. if the price is right :stuck_out_tongue: but none of that childish irrelevant shit. lol. those ARE real. but see. thing with ex-commandos and such is… they never quite ever fully cut ties with their former employer :stuck_out_tongue: so i would not hire them for anything that goes against -their- agenda :stuck_out_tongue: as you can bet your ass they are on the phone with their ‚former‘ boss 5 seconds later :stuck_out_tongue: lol. but heck. you don’t need the darkweb for those. those also are to be found all over linkedin haha :stuck_out_tongue: lol. some of em even invite you over on trips lol. (also would say services in -that- catagory would be mildly above the budget of pretty much any german. lol :stuck_out_tongue: 'lets start iwth half a million pocket money and then we’ll get to your country to look at the situtation. just look at it. :stuck_out_tongue: and then you hear the final price. :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. -those- are real. -those- are very real. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. but all that ‚hire a hitman‘ nonsense, is not. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. ‚muh we’ll take out your ex wife or lauterbach for just 3000 bucks‘ LOL. enserio ? lolololol. 3000 bucks? what banana country are they from :stuck_out_tongue: lol. sure they didn’t forget a couple of zeroes at the end? is there some sort of discount going on or what? lololol. (and clearly, germans still think it would be ‚real‘ haha :stuck_out_tongue: money talks and bullshit walks and by the prices alone you can tell all of em are fake as hell :stuck_out_tongue: LOL.

btw know where the real money is in this sort of thing? providing technical consultancy to that womans legal team. as probably the ‚evidence‘ is an illegally obtained blurb of nonsense. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. not all that hard to kick the legs from under such things on technicalities as ‚wronk country‘ or ‚ip addresses identify nodes on a network, not humans, and can easily be re-routed‘ :stuck_out_tongue: you know. even without straight away kicking the legs away from under the entire brd :stuck_out_tongue: in their own court. hahahaha… you could opt to just win -that- case not win -all of em ever- hahaha. :stuck_out_tongue: (but nah. court rooms. especially german ones. are somewhat of a boring affair. :stuck_out_tongue: even if the court case is about you (and as usually fake as fuck and just a decoy for other agendas :stuck_out_tongue: you usually have something like ‚pfff do i have to just leave my in my cell i wanna sleep and fap‘ lol :stuck_out_tongue: ‚i’m sure you can sort this out with my lawyers that’s why they get paid‘ :stuck_out_tongue: LOL.(and tbh the outcome usually is fixed already anyway with entirely different departments haha :stuck_out_tongue: but ya know… still. there -is- money in that sorta thing. :stuck_out_tongue: more so than in playing hitman on tah darkwebz anyway. lol.

Bei der Sache mit Encrochat dachten auch alle, dass die Beweise nicht legal sind, weil Frankreich - Server gehackt usw … tja, am Ende haben die deutschen Gerichte die Beweise dennoch verwendet, Deutschland selbst darf keine Honeypots betreiben, Beweise aus solchen verwenden die Gerichte dennoch.

Fishy ? Ja, aber wundert mich nicht.

the last word on the encrochat case, along with all the other ones in a long range of systematic police terror against a perfectly legal (and mostly foreign and outside of their jurisdiction) industry as a whole, (2 of which were more or less ours, 1 of which was fully ours) has not yet been spoken. (and yes as encrochat somehow fails to win their own cases we’ll just win them for them :wink:

that is just ‚them cramming as many cases through based on knowingly illegally obtained evidence as they can‘ before ‚someone‘ kicks the legs from under their chair.

for now.

as you may understand :stuck_out_tongue: i am not willing to go into ‚specific details‘ on -that- branche of our operations.
-those- cases are also (mainly) against a country we do intend to remain on a friendly basis with, etc. :stuck_out_tongue: it is a different matter than the ‚koblenz/trier‘ circus.

(there… that answer was a bit ‚having to drive backwards through the pions without hitting any‘ as obviously i can just post a few gigabytes worth of shitty pdfs here and go ‚have fun‘ like we sometimes do with that brd clownshow… but on this one… no :stuck_out_tongue: lol. this one is serious. and against people we still wanna be able to go for a coffee with without them dropping in the polonium :stuck_out_tongue: lol. (or us doing so :wink: which cannot be said for those germans :stuck_out_tongue: lol. basically -those- are fair game in any theatre of war at the moment. -any- of em. :stuck_out_tongue: whereas the adversaries on this one… are not and will never become so. :stuck_out_tongue:

also the percentual contribution to our GDP of those industries are far higher than any of that internet carrier or hosting stuff ever was. it’s all a bit more critical on that one. :stuck_out_tongue:

this one is to be played slowly and according to the rules of engagement :stuck_out_tongue: these guys did not yet screw it up for themselves with us like the germans did :stuck_out_tongue:

note how as of the moment jorg angerer went on gez propaganda tv and started uttering fully undiplomatic slander, nonsense, discrimination and ‚verdicts‘ against our People, we kinda treat the lot of them as some sort of subhumans in return. that is not the case with the people on this one. :stuck_out_tongue: we do still wanna be able to go to a bar with their ministers and that sorta thing, afterwards. :stuck_out_tongue: lol. where the germans can just go to hell.

Dies ist ein deutsches Forum, please switch to the german language!!

1 „Gefällt mir“

jaja… habs am anfang mal versucht :stuck_out_tongue: aber die sachlage war dan doch mehr fuer englisch ausgelegt :stuck_out_tongue: lol. deutsch ist nicht einer der sprache die taeglich, intern benuetzt werden und damit wird es seit 2012 uberhaupt kaum benuetzt. (ist ja auch auf base-3 nicht so das man taglich den base verlasst oder sowas um zur backerei beim lidl oder aldi oder was auch immer da war zu gehen :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. wir -lesen- all diese kram zwar taglich, aber die richtige worter finden fuer ehm. einigermasse complexere konstruktionen, dauert halt laenger :stuck_out_tongue: lol. ding ist ja auch das es gerade in die cryptocommunicator kram… kritisch ist gerade nur -das- zu sagen und revealen das in unsere interessen ist :stuck_out_tongue: und weiter -nichts- :stuck_out_tongue: und das geht auf english oder hollandisch halt besser ;p lol. bei die andere kram… na. da gibts nicht soviel das wir als ‚vertraulich oder intern oder ‚diplomatisch gesehen gegenueber den feind nicht machbar‘‘ betrachten :stuck_out_tongue: screw em :stuck_out_tongue:

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1 „Gefällt mir“