Was ist beim Webhoster pfcloud.io los?

Kommentare zu folgendem Beitrag: Was ist beim Webhoster pfcloud.io los?

„Namentlich nannte man den Online-Dienst Aggro als Beispiel“ - da bin ich leicht vewirrt, Aggro ist doch der Online-Spitzname des Besitzers von Pfcloud?

2 „Gefällt mir“

Hier sind jedenfalls die Statements aus dem Pfcloud Discord server (discord.gg/pfcloud):

2024-06-19 19:22 CEST:

Statement on Pfcloud from staff:

There’s been a lot of conspiracies revolving around Pfcloud and what’s happened. I’m going to clear this up.

1. It is infact true that aggro has been detained however we cannot confirm that he has been arrested
2. The legal team is aware and working on securing a release for him, should any charges be pressed which we doubt will happen.
3. Pfcloud is fully compliant with the law of Germany, Netherlands and all associated countries. We believe we know what is happening and why and are unwilling to disclose it.

We would like to request that people stop spreading misinformation and await further statements from official staff members before making stuff up.

As for the people posting about Pfcloud liquidation this is not happening. This is because Germany doesn’t have a concept of bail.

For those who seek to sew discourse and make defamatory statements I would urge you not to as we are willing to and planning to take legal action against both people and companies who spread slanderous statements with no basis. 

Please do not trust any statement not made by myself (Manuel, Freakish, Woodie, Apricot or Fermin). Any screenshot or image posted not by any of us shouldn’t be trusted.

To the furthest extent of our knowledge, no client data has been touched.

Thank you,
Manuel and Pfcloud staff team
2024-06-19 21:52 CEST:
## Another statement regarding Pfcloud.

@everyone We've recently learned more information regarding Aggro being detained and servers. I'll answer some questions below.

**1. Was my server seized?**
No. The passwords do appear to have been reset to dump specific VMs, but no other customers are affected as a result of their server content.
In DE it appears this has happened but this is a mistake, and they should be restored shortly.

**2. Why did the servers shutdown?**
Originally, we thought there was a hacker in the system however this turned out to be untrue. We regained control of the infrastructure and kicked them out as at that point we were unaware. Because of this, they demanded to our upstream to stop announcing a prefix of ours, so they could continue.

**3. When will the servers be back?**
Hopefully tomorrow our upstream will get the ok to re-announce

**4. When will aggro be back?**
German law makes it permissible to detain someone for only up to 24-48 hours without making an arrest and we don't believe they will be able to press charges due to the lack of wrongdoing on our side.

**5. Is this related to the activities of any clients?**
No. This was not related to the activities of any clients or group of clients.

**6. What about the DE location?**
This will remain down for undisclosed reasons until further notice however all NL VPS and Dedicated Servers will be back up.

**7. When will my VPSs be back up?**
Most of them should be aside from anything in the which should come back tomorrow.

**8. What will happen to pfcloud?**
Most likely, nothing

**9. WHMCS is down**
We are working on resolving this

As a note:
No federal police or federal courts are involved. This is a municipal police operation and is related to the business aspect of Pfcloud only.
2024-06-21 00:37 CEST (heute):

I can already tell you right away that no allegations that were spread are true.
No customer VMs were leaked or compromised.
Approx. tomorrow, will be back, following full service restoration.
I was NOT arrested, nor did I commit a crime, nor did pfcloud.

Please do not spam our team, we are working on restoring services and giving out compensation for downtime.
Updates will follow.
1 „Gefällt mir“

Dstat.cc ist kein Webstresser oder Booter. Dstat.cc bietet die Übersicht von verschiedenen Servern an mit deren Netzwerkdaten. Hierbei können Außenstehende die gelisteten Server von verschiedenen Providern auf deren DDoS Protection testen. Dstat.cc selbst bietet keine Möglichkeit an irgendwelche Angriffe auszuführen.

Dies ist auch auf dem ersten Blick auf der Website ersichtlich.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Die Seite war gestern offline wegen vollem Speicher.
Stimmt also nicht das sie durchgehend online war.

Vielen Dank, ich habe das Statement mit eingebaut und auch die Korrektur wegen dstat.cc durchgeführt. Danke!

Höchst interessant in was solche doch recht kleinen Hoster manchmal so verwickelt sind.

Die Aussage, dass kleinere Hosting Unternehmen „immer“ in so etwas verwickelt sind, ist völlig falsch. Es sind leider Ausnahmen.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Naja…hin oder her. Zumindest lüppt die Site (pfcloud.io) wieder!

(Stand: 22.06.2024 um 17:16 Uhr)

Die Seite nimmt doch bei diesem Kindergarten gar keiner mehr Ernst…

Von welchem Discord-Server ist der Screenshot im Artikel?

Das musst Du die Betreiber des Telegram-Kanals fragen, das stand dort nicht dabei.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Steht doch sogar im 2 Post hier der Server.

Unfassbar, nach so langer Zeit melden die sich endlich zurück, dass sie nicht zuständig sind. Ich fasse es echt nicht:

Sehr geehrter Herr Sobiraj,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.

Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass die Pressehoheit bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Bamberg liegt und wir daher keine Auskunft erteilen können.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Elionor XX

Pressesprecherin Hessisches Landeskriminalamt

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Hölderlinstraße 1-5, 65187 Wiesbaden