Hallo Freunde,
schön euch jetzt auch hier über diesen Weg informieren zu können über Neuigkeiten und Updates.
Trello Board: https://trello.com/c/d8lSw5CR/89-release-2250-08102020
### Changes 0046 - Oct 2020 Update 1:
* general:
* we added the menu point "Forum" to the main navigation
* features:
* API: /folder/fetch
* added flag 'status' added, you can filter folder by status (offline, online, partial)
* added to response 'hosters' list of hosters they are included in this folder
* bugfix:
* API: /folder/edit
* fixed: if you dont send options (dlc, cln, etc) the folder keeps the previous one and dont overwrite it
### Changes 0045 - Sep 2020 Update 1:
* features:
* new hoster:
* added 1Fichier.com
* added NitroFlare.com
* added Wi.to
* bugfix:
* pagination bug in admin folder manager
* in general, we rechecked all deactivated folders to clean the db