DDownload News - Neue Plattform in arbeit

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DDownload Affiliates: Important Updates You Need to Know

It’s Time for an Open Conversation


We appreciate your patience and continued support during these challenging months. Over the past three months, we faced significant hurdles as we migrated to a new infrastructure. Unfortunately, these changes caused disruptions and dissatisfaction among some customers and affiliates. These issues stemmed from unforeseen events nearly two years ago, forcing us to switch to a temporary infrastructure that lacked a robust network.

Historically, we have always prioritized high-quality networks, even during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this situation prompted us to make transformative decisions. We are grateful for your loyalty and have done our best to remain transparent throughout this journey.

We are pleased to inform you that the migration was successfully completed by the end of December.

Updates Already Implemented:

  • Extended File Inactivity Period: For Premium users, file inactivity has been increased to 365 days. For free users, the limit remains at 90 days.
  • New DDownload Platform in Alpha Phase: The initial focus was on infrastructure migration, and we are now progressing towards releasing the new DDownload platform. The first preview images will be shared soon.

Upcoming Changes:

  • Premium Prices Adjustment: In the next 24 hours, Premium prices will return to their regular rates. The temporary discounted prices will no longer be available.
  • Launch of the New DDownload Platform: The new platform will be live very soon, bringing significant improvements and exciting features.
  • Upload Speed Fix in Progress: We are still actively working on resolving issues related to upload speeds. These fluctuations are caused by a lack of direct peering between certain data centers. Please note that customers are not affected by this issue, and we are making continuous efforts to stabilize upload performance.

Affiliate Recommendations:

We highly recommend affiliates focus on Pay-per-Sale instead of Pay-per-Download for better results and earnings. If your account is not yet registered as an affiliate, please contact our support team immediately at https://support.ddownload.com.

Special webmaster conditions are still available but will now require direct contact to activate them.

Thank you once again for staying with us. We remain committed to improving your experience and look forward to continuing our partnership.

Weiss einer wieviel Storage DDownload gibt ohne Ablaufdatum mit 90 Tagen mit einem Premium Account?
Auf der Webseite und AGBs finde ich nix. Da steht nur ganz gross unlimited Speicher, aber das zaehlt ja auch fuer registrierte Accounts ohne Premium mit 90 Tagen nach dem letzten Download.
Support hat bisher auch noch nicht geantwortet.

Die Spacken von DDL aktiveren das PPD erst nachdem man sich beim Support artig gebückt und bei der Penetration nicht geweint hat…

Preis wurde jetzt auf 75 Euro das Jahr erhoeht.
Mal gespannt ob der Mehrpreis den Verlust der weniger neuen User ausgleichen kann?